“Happiness is the Truth!”


As we’ve recently ‘got our happy back’, here are five things we have found that, in our opinion are essential in the pursuit of happiness.

5. Happiness doesn’t just happen

Happiness is some thing you make, a positive outlook is needed. For example If you turn up to New York City looking for homeless people, rubbish and pollution, then you will find it. However, if you go with an open mind you will see it for its true magnificence; a melting pot, a movie set, an adventure.

4. Money can’t buy happiness

In the past, when we have been feeling low, we have often felt the sudden urge to ‘splash the cash’ (that we don’t even have) in the whimsical (and wasteful) world of online shopping. We have come to realize that this quick fix is no longer necessary when you start filling your life with things of real value – like finding a new hobby you love or making steps towards a career that excites you. Of course we still dabble in a little ‘responsible’ shopping….. 🙂

3. You don’t have to be happy all of the time

There are times when you will need to let it all out, dwell on your disappointments, suffer your sorrows; how can you truly feel your highs with out experiencing the lows?

2. Give a little, live a lot

It’s widely believed that helping others releases super duper endorphins that makes your happiness last longer. We’ve been volunteering on and off for the last couple of years and can definitely say it gives you the ‘feel good factor’.

1. Make the most of the little things

They count. A lot. Taking our dogs for a walk, a cup of tea in bed on a Saturday morning, eggs on toast, reaching the last stamp on our loyalty cards…… On anything (coffee, M&S greeting cards, hair salon)!

Don’t worry, be happy.

S & P

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